顧客凡透過本網站訂購酒類飲品,即聲明其已年滿 18 歲。
Customers declare that he/she is over 18 years old when
purchasing intoxicating liquor via this website.
100% French Rice from Carmague
* fye: Amber Gold Yellow Color
*Nose: dowerful & Complex as orange peel, coconut, honey, caramel, osmanthus are the main five aromas.
*Mouth: Complex, rich and very structured. Freshness & sweetness
are beautifully balanced. Finish remains fresh invite for another sip.
* Pair with SiChuan Hotpots, spicy dishes as Chinese, South fast Asia cuisine, Pineapple Pigeon, foie
Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business