法國 Maison Francis Miot 森林蜂蜜 200g - Club France Hong Kong

French Maison Francis Miot Forest Honey 200g

Maison Francis Miot
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The dark color of this honey harvested at the edge of the forest announces a powerful taste, combining the taste of flowers and the essence of trees. Bramble, heather, ivy, conifers, oaks, lime trees are all possible sources for developing its rich and intense aroma. 

Maison Francis Miot demand for taste and beautiful products has naturally led us to select several beekeepers partners to offer you natural honeys, artisanal, pure and incomparable aromas.
From the sweetness of the honey of acacia to the power of forest honey, great lovers of honeys or simple curious will surely find their happiness in our selection.
In addition to the fragrant taste and delicate texture offered by honey, it has many virtues: anti-oxidant, antiseptic, rich in calcium and trace elements, sudorific…