The Beef Flank Steak by Polmard Heritage , 4 weeks aging.
French Cut : bavette
Recommended Cooking : rare
Cooking Tips : to pan-fry or grill, 1 to 3 minutes on each side according to the cooking you like.
Important when cooking French beef, to preserve its tenderness and juiciness :
- Take the meat out of the fridge 10-15 minutes before cooking to avoid heat shock
- Always use a kitchen tong to turn your meat, never a fork, to preserve the meat juice
Serving : 1 to 2 people
Thawing Tips :
- Recommended : place in the fridge 24 hours before cooking
- Express : place in cold water for 20 minutes
Origin :
Blonde d'Aquitaine breed, raised in Lorraine, North-East of France
Conservation :