顧客凡透過本網站訂購酒類飲品,即聲明其已年滿 18 歲。
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Perfectly paired with appetizers, fish, seafood, and especially oysters.
The Chavet family settled in the Menetou-Salon vineyard in the 17th century and has been actively managing the vineyard and developing unique local winemaking methods ever since. To date, this winery, with over 300 years of history, owns 25 hectares of vineyards situated on the hills between Sologne and Sancerrois. Despite being equipped with modern technology, the focus remains on producing high-quality wines while respecting nature and tradition.
*Tasting Notes*
This Pinot Noir red wine is crafted using a unique local winemaking method, resulting in a ruby-red hue. It boasts a dominant aroma of red fruits such as cherries and plums, with a rich bouquet. On the palate, it is smooth with textured tannins that enhance its complexity; you can also detect earthy and mineral notes within its body. It is an exceptional gastronomy wine.
Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business